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French Proverbs - page 47
Hear, see, and say nothing if you would live in peace.
French Proverb
He who lends to a friend loses twice.
French Proverb
He that stays in the valley will not get over the hill.
French Proverb
He that does not ask will never get a bargain.
French Proverb
He looks for his ass and sits on its back.
French Proverb
He does a good day's work who rids himself of a fool.
French Proverb
Too keen an edge does not cut, too fine a point does not pierce.
French Proverb
There's not enough if there's not too much.
French Proverb
There is something in the misfortune of our best friends which does not displease us.
French Proverb
The servant of the devil does more than is asked for.
French Proverb
The Fox's wiles will never enter the lion's head.
French Proverb
Smoke, floods, and a troublesome wife, are enough to drive a man out of his life.
French Proverb
People who have bread to eat do not appreciate the severity of a famine.
French Proverb
One never gets more than one's money's worth of anything.
French Proverb
Naught must disturb a man of worth at dinner.
French Proverb
It is not the burden but the over-burden that kills the beast.
French Proverb
It is easy to go on foot if you are holding your horse by the rein.
French Proverb
He who is waiting for someone else's bowl often dines late.
French Proverb
He who bestirs himself sucks up, he who lies still dries up.
French Proverb
He that spends more than he is worth spins a rope for his own neck.
French Proverb
He that corrects not youth, controls not age.
French Proverb
We shall see, as the blind man said.
French Proverb