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French Proverbs - page 45
The devil is not always at a poor man's door.
French Proverb
Tell a woman once she is beautiful and the devil will repeat it ten times.
French Proverb
Serve as a serf or fly like a deer.
French Proverb
One may better steal a horse than another look over the hedge.
French Proverb
Nothing is more like an honest man than a rogue.
French Proverb
Nothing stake, nothing draw.
French Proverb
Paris was not built in a day.
French Proverb
Rich people eat gold and shit lead.
French Proverb
Flying birds have no master.
French Proverb
He forgot nothing except to say farewell.
French Proverb
Like breeds like.
French Proverb
Love me little and love me long.
French Proverb
Might knows no right.
French Proverb
Patience is the virtue of the donkeys.
French Proverb
Princes will not be served on conditions.
French Proverb
Gluttony has killed more than the sword.
French Proverb
He that ventures not fails not.
French Proverb
He who leaves the game, loses.
French Proverb
Love subdues everything except the recreant's heart.
French Proverb
Of little cloth but a short cloak.
French Proverb
Promising and performing are two things.
French Proverb
Sadness and gladness succeed each other.
French Proverb