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French Proverbs - page 41
An old oven is easier to heat than a new one.
French Proverb
A person is unlucky who falls on his back and breaks his nose.
French Proverb
A good thing can be twice, nay, even thrice spoken.
French Proverb
A door must either be open or shut.
French Proverb
Half an egg is better than an empty eggcup.
French Proverb
Fouls invent fashions and wise men follow them.
French Proverb
Dress slowly when you are in a hurry.
French Proverb
Better walk before a hen than behind an ox.
French Proverb
A wicked man's gift hath a touch of his master.
French Proverb
A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.
French Proverb
A girl without a friend is like the spring without roses.
French Proverb
Fear and restlessness kill more than do illnesses.
French Proverb
Children have more need of models than critics.
French Proverb
After the daughter is married, then come sons-in-law in plenty.
French Proverb
A party of one alone is not a party.
French Proverb
A hungry dog is not afraid of a cudgelling.
French Proverb
Greater qualities are needed to bear good fortune than bad.
French Proverb
Fortune can take from us only what she has given us.
French Proverb
Don't speak to the man at the helm.
French Proverb
By working in the smithy one becomes a smith.
French Proverb
A noble prince or king never has a coin to bless himself.
French Proverb
A man may bear till his back breaks.
French Proverb