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French Proverbs - page 4
Bees touch no fading flowers.
French Proverb
Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.
French Proverb
There are toys for all ages.
French Proverb
There are two great pleasures in gambling: that of winning and that of losing.
French Proverb
There is no flavour in a swallowed morsel.
French Proverb
There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.
French Proverb
Children and fools have merry lives.
French Proverb
Christmas has been talked of so long that it has come at last.
French Proverb
Civility costs nothing.
French Proverb
Comparison is not proof.
French Proverb
Could a man foresee events he would never be poor.
French Proverb
Counted sheep are eaten by the wolf.
French Proverb
Don't find fault with what you don't understand.
French Proverb
The sea has an enormous thirst and an insatiable appetite.
French Proverb
The shovel scouts the poker.
French Proverb
The silence of the people is a warning for the king.
French Proverb
The skin is nearer than the shirt.
French Proverb
The soup makes the soldier.
French Proverb
The saint who works no cures has few pilgrims to his shrine.
French Proverb
Every bee's honey is sweet.
French Proverb
Every mother-in-law is a piece of the devil's pants.
French Proverb
Every wise man is afraid of a fool.
French Proverb