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French Proverbs - page 39
A galled horse will not endure the comb.
French Proverb
A deaf husband and a blind wife are always a happy couple.
French Proverb
A cake and a bad custom ought to be broken.
French Proverb
God helps three sorts of people: fools, children and drunkards.
French Proverb
Fair is he that comes, but fairer he that brings.
French Proverb
Every one has a fool in his sleeve.
French Proverb
Don't slaughter more pigs than you can salt.
French Proverb
By dint of going wrong all will come right.
French Proverb
Better bread in the basket than a feather in your cap.
French Proverb
A sparrow in the hand is better than a crane on the wing.
French Proverb
A Montgomery division: all on one side, nothing on the other.
French Proverb
A man is valued according to his own estimate of himself.
French Proverb
A dead man has neither relations nor friends.
French Proverb
A brain is worth little without a tongue.
French Proverb
For sake of the knight the lady kisses the squire.
French Proverb
Every miller draws the water to his own mill.
French Proverb
By continually scolding someone, they in time become accustomed to it and despise your reproof.
French Proverb
At a bridge, a plank, a river, the servant foremost, the master behind.
French Proverb
A woman's tongue is her sword, and she does not let it rust.
French Proverb
A mansion pulled down is half built up again.
French Proverb
A man is no happier than he thinks himself.
French Proverb
A day is lost if one has not laughed.
French Proverb