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French Proverbs - page 20
To leave is to die a little.
French Proverb
To one who has a pie in the oven you may give a bit of your cake.
French Proverb
To rise at five, dine at nine, sup at five, go to bed at nine, makes a man live to ninety-nine.
French Proverb
To rise at six, eat at ten, sup at six, go to bed at ten, makes a man live years ten times ten.
French Proverb
To rob a robber is not robbing.
French Proverb
To rude words deaf ears.
French Proverb
To scare a bird is not the way to catch it.
French Proverb
To squeeze an eel too hard is the way to lose it.
French Proverb
As the wind so the sail.
French Proverb
Avarice bursts the bag.
French Proverb
To a rogue a rogue and a half.
French Proverb
To be willing is to be able.
French Proverb
To enjoy life is worth so much more than it costs.
French Proverb
To every lord every honour.
French Proverb
To every saint his candle.
French Proverb
To give tardily is to refuse.
French Proverb
Barking dogs don't bite.
French Proverb
Barking dogs seldom bite.
French Proverb
Beauty is silent eloquence.
French Proverb
Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume.
French Proverb
They who come from afar have leave to lie.
French Proverb
They will be hushed by a good deed who laugh at a wise speech.
French Proverb