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French Proverbs - page 19
Trust is the mother of exasperation.
French Proverb
Trust not to God but upon good security.
French Proverb
Two men may meet, but never two mountains.
French Proverb
Two sparrows on the same ear of corn are not long friends.
French Proverb
Two sparrows upon one ear of corn make ill agreement.
French Proverb
Upon an egg the hen lays an egg.
French Proverb
All of the Earth's treasures can't bring back a lost moment.
French Proverb
All state, and nothing on the plate.
French Proverb
An easy shepherd makes the wolf void wool.
French Proverb
To the devil with so many masters, said the toad to the harrow.
French Proverb
To the jaundiced all things seem yellow.
French Proverb
To want to forget something is to remember it.
French Proverb
Too many doctors too few medicines.
French Proverb
Too much scratching smarts, too much talking harms.
French Proverb
Too much water drowned the miller.
French Proverb
Too to will in two.
French Proverb
Trade follows the flag.
French Proverb
Trade knows neither friends or kindred.
French Proverb
An old ape never made a pretty grimace.
French Proverb
An old dog does not bark for nothing.
French Proverb
An ounce of luck is worth a pound of wisdom.
French Proverb
Anger is a bad adviser.
French Proverb