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French Proverbs - page 18
A woman and a melon are hard to choose.
French Proverb
A woman and a ship ever want mending.
French Proverb
Weather, wind, women, and fortune change like the moon.
French Proverb
Well fed but ill taught.
French Proverb
Well knows the cats whose ear she licks.
French Proverb
Well-regulated charity begins with one's self.
French Proverb
Went in one ear and out the other.
French Proverb
What is bad for one is good for another.
French Proverb
A woman who dances too much gets ill from little work.
French Proverb
A year of snow, a year of plenty.
French Proverb
A young angel, an old devil.
French Proverb
Absent people do not inherit.
French Proverb
Absent, none without blame; present, none without excuse.
French Proverb
After a feast a man scratches his head.
French Proverb
Vanity has no greater foe than vanity.
French Proverb
Wake not a sleeping cat.
French Proverb
Walls have ears.
French Proverb
War makes robbers, and peace hangs them.
French Proverb
After shaving there is nothing to shear.
French Proverb
All are not hunters that blow the horn.
French Proverb
All cats are not to be set down for witches.
French Proverb
All is luck or ill luck in this world.
French Proverb