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French Proverbs - page 17
A party of two is that of God; of three of the king; of four is of the devil.
French Proverb
A peg for every hole.
French Proverb
A pig's life, short and sweet.
French Proverb
A Rowland for an Oliver.
French Proverb
What! No star, and you are going out to sea? Marching, and you have no music? Traveling, and you have no book? What! No love, and you are going out to live?
French Proverb
When a cow is lost it is something to recover its tail, were it only to make a handle for one's door.
French Proverb
When he was fifteen the devil was a good looking boy.
French Proverb
A silver hammer breaks an iron door.
French Proverb
A sin that is hidden is half forgiven.
French Proverb
A spaniel, a wife, and a walnut tree, The more you beat 'em the better they be.
French Proverb
A sparrow in hand is worth more than a vulture flying.
French Proverb
A stick is a peacemaker.
French Proverb
A stingy man is always poor.
French Proverb
A summer's sun is worth the having.
French Proverb
A Sunday's child never dies of the plague.
French Proverb
What is true by firelight is not always true by daylight.
French Proverb
What the colt learns in youth his continues in old age.
French Proverb
What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.
French Proverb
What you can't get is just what suits you.
French Proverb
A surgeon should be young a physician old.
French Proverb
A teacher stands in fear of teaching.
French Proverb
A vicious dog must be tied short.
French Proverb