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French Proverbs - page 15
Whoso is well let him keep so.
French Proverb
Why buy a cow if you can get the milk for free.
French Proverb
Why buy a cow when milk is so cheap?
French Proverb
Why kill time when one can employ it?.
French Proverb
A good swordsman is not given to quarrel.
French Proverb
A healthy soul cannot live in a dry body.
French Proverb
Who hears music feels his solitude.
French Proverb
Who lives on the score has shame evermore.
French Proverb
Who often changes, damages.
French Proverb
A hundred years is not much, but never is a long while.
French Proverb
A hundred years of fretting will not pay a halfpenny of debt.
French Proverb
A jackfish does more than a letter of recommendation.
French Proverb
A kick from a mare never hurt a horse.
French Proverb
A late Easter, a long cold spring.
French Proverb
A lawyer needs three bags: one full of papers, one full of money, and one full of patience.
French Proverb
A litigious man, a liar.
French Proverb
Where wine appears the doctor disappears.
French Proverb
Who answers for another pays.
French Proverb
Who doubts errs not.
French Proverb
Who has not, cannot.
French Proverb
Who hears but one bell hears but one sound.
French Proverb
A little sheep always seems young.
French Proverb