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French Proverbs - page 14
A full belly counsels well.
French Proverb
A galled horse does not care to be curried.
French Proverb
A gentlemen of Beauce who stays in bed till his breeches are mended.
French Proverb
A giant among the pigmies.
French Proverb
A gilt bridle for an old mule.
French Proverb
A glaring sunny morning, a woman that talks Latin, and a child reared on wine, never come to a good end.
French Proverb
A good beast heats with eating.
French Proverb
A good bone does not always come to a good dog.
French Proverb
A good bottle of wine does not need a cork.
French Proverb
Will laugh well who will laugh the last.
French Proverb
Wine poured out is not wine swallowed.
French Proverb
With an old husband's hide one buys a young one.
French Proverb
With money you can comfort any woman.
French Proverb
With the help of an "if' you might put Paris into a bottle.
French Proverb
Without bread and wine even love will pine.
French Proverb
Without business, debauchery.
French Proverb
Without grace, beauty is an unbaited hook.
French Proverb
A good gaper makes two gapers.
French Proverb
Who sows thorns should not go barefoot.
French Proverb
Who speaks, sows; who listens, reaps.
French Proverb
Who spits against heaven, it falls on his head.
French Proverb
Who wishes to travel far spares his steed.
French Proverb