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French Proverbs - page 13
A dead mouse feels no cold.
French Proverb
A dealer in onions is a good judge of scallions.
French Proverb
A dog may look at a bishop.
French Proverb
A dog with a docked tail is not afraid that its backside can be seen.
French Proverb
A drowning man will catch at a straw.
French Proverb
A fair promise binds a fool.
French Proverb
A fat kitchen makes a lean will.
French Proverb
You cannot make an ass drink if he is not thirsty.
French Proverb
You dance better with a full belly than with a new dress.
French Proverb
You easily lend bread to the one who has flour.
French Proverb
You have to give time some time.
French Proverb
You may as well give a good beating as a bad one.
French Proverb
You need to break the shell in order to have the almond.
French Proverb
A fault denied is twice committed.
French Proverb
A fault that is denied once is committed twice.
French Proverb
A fool's head never whitens.
French Proverb
A friend is known in time of need.
French Proverb
Women, money, and wine have their balm and their harm.
French Proverb
Words are the leaves of the tree of language, of which, if some fall away, a new succession takes their place.
French Proverb
Write injuries in the sand, kindnesses in marble.
French Proverb
You are either hammer or anvil.
French Proverb
You can sell the devil if he is well cooked.
French Proverb