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French Proverbs
Nothing fades as quickly as gratitude...
French Proverb
A lie travels round the world while truth is putting her boots on.
French Proverb
The friends of our friends are our friends.
French Proverb
God helps those who help themselves.
French Proverb
He who steals an egg will steal an ox.
French Proverb
The tulip is, among flowers, what the peacock is among birds. A tulip lacks scent, a peacock has an unpleasant voice. The one takes pride in its garb, the other in its tail.
French Proverb
Out of sight, out of mind.
French Proverb
One bad general is better than two good ones.
French Proverb
If the young only knew; if the old only could.
French Proverb
A good name is better than a girdle of gold.
French Proverb
If you suffer defeat, start again from the beginning.
French Proverb
The end justifies the means.
French Proverb
One always returns to one's first love.
French Proverb
One "take this" is worth more than two "you shall have."
French Proverb
Anger is a bad counselor.
French Proverb
All is well that ends well.
French Proverb
To want to is to be able to.
French Proverb
Where the hostess is beautiful the wine is tasty.
French Proverb
He who is near the church is often far from God.
French Proverb
If you want the truth, ask a child.
French Proverb
Everyone thinks his own burden is heavy.
French Proverb
Courtesy that is all on one side cannot last long.
French Proverb
Justifying a fault doubles it.
French Proverb
He who cannot work out his salvation by heart will not do it by book.
French Proverb