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Finnish Proverbs - page 8
The devil dances nowhere as much as between a couple.
Finnish Proverb
The elderly, even if deaf and blind, still know a lot.
Finnish Proverb
The fate of the gypsy's horse.
Finnish Proverb
The water is the same on both sides of the boat.
Finnish Proverb
If there is someone to haul the fir-tree, there shall be no shortage of those willing to hold a branch to help.
Finnish Proverb
Like two berries.
Finnish Proverb
Love came in a paper bag, said the maiden when she got a letter from her sweetheart.
Finnish Proverb
Piss without farting, die without fucking.
Finnish Proverb
Pride goes before the fall.
Finnish Proverb
That dog yelps, which stick hits.
Finnish Proverb
The brave eat the soup, the timid die of hunger.
Finnish Proverb
The child led by the hand never learns to walk.
Finnish Proverb
Many cakes are beautiful on the surface, but have crappy fillings.
Finnish Proverb
No one can be an expected to be an expert at something before they have got the chance to practice it.
Finnish Proverb
One stupid person asks more than ten wise ones can spare time answering.
Finnish Proverb
One time after the denial.
Finnish Proverb
Own home is worth gold.
Finnish Proverb
If you have ploughed with oxen, married a widow and never said a bad word - surely you go to heaven.
Finnish Proverb
Never judge a reindeer from close by when you got it from a rich man because you may find that some of the antlers are missing.
Finnish Proverb
Even a small star shines in the dark.
Finnish Proverb
A barking dog does not bite.
Finnish Proverb
Disappears like a fart into sahara.
Finnish Proverb