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Finnish Proverbs - page 7
Disappears without trace.
Finnish Proverb
You don't get anywhere if you run in your thoughts.
Finnish Proverb
You get a lot of these blows, said the busy bee when he flew against a brick wall.
Finnish Proverb
Your memory can let you down like it did to a finn who was carving a wooden spoon.
Finnish Proverb
A new day shows a new way.
Finnish Proverb
A sauna - the poor man's pharmacy.
Finnish Proverb
A sauna makes a woman most beautiful one hour after the bath.
Finnish Proverb
A snotnose may grow up to be a man; but he who laughs without cause, never.
Finnish Proverb
A soldier's no boor though no gentleman either.
Finnish Proverb
Don't judge a dog by its hair.
Finnish Proverb
Everything is beautiful once the eye likes the view.
Finnish Proverb
Express yourself earnestly, and you have no reason for shame even if you lack talent.
Finnish Proverb
From the ditch to the water jump.
Finnish Proverb
Two are holy: a church and a sauna.
Finnish Proverb
Two do not think the same thoughts together.
Finnish Proverb
Water is the oldest medicine.
Finnish Proverb
Water runs a whole mile downstream easier than an inch upstream.
Finnish Proverb
Wet your finger in tar and soon it is all over you.
Finnish Proverb
God did not create hurry.
Finnish Proverb
Hope for miracles, but don't rely on one happening.
Finnish Proverb
Hurry, and you'll get only shithead kids.
Finnish Proverb
I love others too, but I love myself more.
Finnish Proverb