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Finnish Proverbs - page 18
Poison is booze without bread.
Finnish Proverb
The face is like the map of a pagan land.
Finnish Proverb
The neighbor teaches the neighbor to live at home.
Finnish Proverb
We'll meet at tanner's beams.
Finnish Proverb
Woman is the human's best friend.
Finnish Proverb
Woman's place is between the stove and fist.
Finnish Proverb
Women love simple things, like men.
Finnish Proverb
You'll never completely know the woman and the motor, said Oskari Savola.
Finnish Proverb
They are like Sweden and Russia.
Finnish Proverb
Nero omi median, nai Demi Mooren.
Finnish Proverb
Nii on ko unest kyhätty.
Finnish Proverb
It's like cramming head into a stone.
Finnish Proverb
So changes the world, my Esko.
Finnish Proverb
Norwegian herring and Finnish lads, those are seen at every harbour.
Finnish Proverb
To Nousiainen into women.
Finnish Proverb
Sleeps like a rancid herring.
Finnish Proverb
Young man's mind and April's snow.
Finnish Proverb
The life of a young unmarried man is dancing.
Finnish Proverb
Is now the right time to bring hay, when the cow is already dead?
Finnish Proverb
So are the nipples.
Finnish Proverb
Hunger and sleep are poor man's goodies.
Finnish Proverb
The hungry man doesn't laugh.
Finnish Proverb