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Finnish Proverbs - page 10
You can see the man only to his teeth.
Finnish Proverb
Can't carry the weight of his two ears.
Finnish Proverb
You should not speak everything you know.
Finnish Proverb
Carried water does not stay in the well.
Finnish Proverb
Not the pain, but the shame.
Finnish Proverb
No one has visited God's advice chamber.
Finnish Proverb
The moon doesn't hear and the day doesn't see.
Finnish Proverb
The poor has no riches to give to his child but a beautiful name.
Finnish Proverb
No meat without bones and no fish without head.
Finnish Proverb
No rose, but a flower after all.
Finnish Proverb
Nothing nowhere never.
Finnish Proverb
I´ve got nothing but money and ragged clothes.
Finnish Proverb
A name doesn't make a man worse, if the man doesn't make his name worse.
Finnish Proverb
The boy ain't drunk but has slippery shoes.
Finnish Proverb
It's not a sin to be a Savonian, but it's a big shame.
Finnish Proverb
Evil is no human, / but another is weaker than the other.
Finnish Proverb
It's not worse than syphilis.
Finnish Proverb
It doesn't taste much like pine or aspen.
Finnish Proverb
Your shirt doesn't belong to this laundry.
Finnish Proverb
Finland won't starve to death as long as wind swings the pinetops.
Finnish Proverb
Needs just bread and warmth.
Finnish Proverb
A drop does not kill, and you won't drown in a bucket.
Finnish Proverb