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English Proverbs - page 19
The Spaniard is a bad servant but a worse master.
English Proverb
Without danger we cannot get beyond danger.
English Proverb
There is better fish in the sea than have ever been caught.
English Proverb
There's always a calm before a storm.
English Proverb
Seek much, and get something; seek little, and get nothing.
English Proverb
The first year let your house to your enemy; the second to your friend; the third live in it yourself.
English Proverb
The strong man and the waterfall channel their own path.
English Proverb
Turn the cake in the pan.
English Proverb
The secret of success is constancy of purpose.
English Proverb
Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves.
English Proverb
There is no benefit that sticks to the fingers.
English Proverb
Understand is better than stare.
English Proverb
Sin is the root of much sorrow.
English Proverb
When troubles are few, dreams are few.
English Proverb
There is no better manure than the farmer's foot.
English Proverb
Unprofitable is a fever of the world.
English Proverb
Write down the advice of him who loves you, though you like it not at the present.
English Proverb
Knock on wood.
English Proverb
An enterprizing foole needs little wit.
English Proverb
One funeral makes many.
English Proverb
The italians are wise before the deed; the germans in the deed; the french after the deed.
English Proverb
The world still he keeps at his staff's end that needs not to borrow and never will lend.
English Proverb