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Dutch Proverbs - page 45
With the good we become good.
Dutch Proverb
You've got to stare the cat down out of the tree.
Dutch Proverb
Wise men sue for offices, and blockheads get them.
Dutch Proverb
When hard work goes out of the door, poverty comes in at the window.
Dutch Proverb
What the old ones sing, the young ones whistle.
Dutch Proverb
Wisdom is a good purchase, though we pay dear for it.
Dutch Proverb
Who reckons without his host must reckon again.
Dutch Proverb
What lay hidden under the snow cometh to light at last.
Dutch Proverb
Wisdom in the man, patience in the wife, brings peace to the house and a happy life.
Dutch Proverb
When the ass is too happy he begins dancing on the ice.
Dutch Proverb
Who knows the language is at home everywhere.
Dutch Proverb
When one sheep is over the dam, the rest follow.
Dutch Proverb
What is lost in the fire must be sought in the ashes.
Dutch Proverb
Young folks think old folks to be fools, but old folks know young folks to be fools.
Dutch Proverb
When the wine is in the man, the wit is in the can.
Dutch Proverb
What is long spoken of happens at last.
Dutch Proverb
What is bred in the bone won't out of the flesh.
Dutch Proverb
Young cats will mouse, young apes will louse.
Dutch Proverb
When it is God's will to plague a man, a mouse can bite him to death.
Dutch Proverb
Who has deceived thee so oft as thyself?
Dutch Proverb
When the cat's away, it is jubilee with the mice.
Dutch Proverb
When the pot boils over it cooleth itself.
Dutch Proverb