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Dutch Proverbs - page 39
What has horns will gore.
Dutch Proverb
What is wrong to-day won't be right to-morrow.
Dutch Proverb
Better be envied than pitied.
Dutch Proverb
Better half an egg than empty shells.
Dutch Proverb
Better have a dog for your friend than your enemy.
Dutch Proverb
Too err is human.
Dutch Proverb
Too much of one thing is good for nothing.
Dutch Proverb
Truth is the daughter of time.
Dutch Proverb
Two cocks in one house, a cat and a mouse, an old man and young wife, are always in strife.
Dutch Proverb
Better stretch your hand than your neck.
Dutch Proverb
Between two stools the breech comes to the ground.
Dutch Proverb
Bite me not, my name is little grizzle; had I a little tail I should be a little lion.
Dutch Proverb
Buying a cat in a bag.
Dutch Proverb
By night all cats are grey.
Dutch Proverb
Cast no roses before swine.
Dutch Proverb
Those that eat cherries with great persons shall have their eyes squirted out with the stones.
Dutch Proverb
Time brings roses.
Dutch Proverb
Claw me and I'll claw thee.
Dutch Proverb
They who come from afar have leave to lie.
Dutch Proverb
Death is in the pot.
Dutch Proverb
Death keeps no almanack.
Dutch Proverb
Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand.
Dutch Proverb