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Dutch Proverbs - page 37
Who undertakes too much, succeeds but little.
Dutch Proverb
Who wants to beat a dog, soon finds a stick.
Dutch Proverb
Who weds a sot to get his cot, will lose the cot and keep the sot.
Dutch Proverb
Who would regard all things complacently must wick at a great many.
Dutch Proverb
Who writes love letters grows thin; who carries them, fat.
Dutch Proverb
Whoso hunteth with cats will catch nothing but rats.
Dutch Proverb
Whoso is tired of happy days, let him take a wife.
Dutch Proverb
A soft answer turneth away wrath.
Dutch Proverb
A stout heart tempers adversity.
Dutch Proverb
Who has plenty of pepper may pepper his beans.
Dutch Proverb
Who is righteous overmuch is a morsel for the Old One.
Dutch Proverb
Who seeds wind, shall harvest storm.
Dutch Proverb
After meat comes mustard.
Dutch Proverb
All are not saints that go to church.
Dutch Proverb
All do not bite that show their teeth.
Dutch Proverb
All flowers are not fit for nosegays.
Dutch Proverb
When two quarrel both are in the wrong.
Dutch Proverb
When Want comes in at the door, Love flies out at the window.
Dutch Proverb
Who chastises his child will be honoured by him, who chastises him not will be shamed.
Dutch Proverb
All's well that ends well.
Dutch Proverb
An egg is an egg, said the boor, and took the goose's egg.
Dutch Proverb
When the stomach is full the heart is glad.
Dutch Proverb