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Dutch Proverbs - page 28
Hearsay is half lies.
Dutch Proverb
Heaven protects children, sailors, and drunken men.
Dutch Proverb
Heavy purses and light hearts can sustain much.
Dutch Proverb
Hens like to lay where they see an egg.
Dutch Proverb
Hired horses make short miles.
Dutch Proverb
How we apples swim! said the horse-turd.
Dutch Proverb
Hunger eats through stone walls.
Dutch Proverb
Hunger finds no fault with the cookery.
Dutch Proverb
Hunger gives a relish even to raw beans.
Dutch Proverb
If he won't carry the sack, give him a whack.
Dutch Proverb
If one won't another will.
Dutch Proverb
If you hear a lot of things, you will hear a lot of lies.
Dutch Proverb
If you pull one pig by the tail all the rest squeak.
Dutch Proverb
In prosperity think of adversity.
Dutch Proverb
In the company of the good we become good.
Dutch Proverb
In the division of inheritance, friendship standeth still.
Dutch Proverb
In the land of promise a man may die of hunger.
Dutch Proverb
In the land of the blind, one-eye is king.
Dutch Proverb
It grieveth one dog that another goeth into the kitchen.
Dutch Proverb
It is a hard morsel that chokes.
Dutch Proverb
It is bad marketing with empty pockets.
Dutch Proverb
It is better to ride for half a year on a good horse than to spend your entire life riding on a mule.
Dutch Proverb