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Dutch Proverbs - page 25
East or west, home is best.
Dutch Proverb
Envy crieth of spite where honour rideth.
Dutch Proverb
Every man his own is not too much.
Dutch Proverb
Every man is master in his own house.
Dutch Proverb
Every man thinks his own owl a falcon.
Dutch Proverb
Feeling it from his water.
Dutch Proverb
Fine words don't fill the belly.
Dutch Proverb
First catch your hare, then cook it.
Dutch Proverb
For a flying enemy make a silver bridge.
Dutch Proverb
Forced love does not last.
Dutch Proverb
Fortune and glass break soon, alas.
Dutch Proverb
Fortune does not stand waiting at any one's door.
Dutch Proverb
Froth is no beer.
Dutch Proverb
Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.
Dutch Proverb
Gentility, sent to market, will not buy a peck of meal.
Dutch Proverb
Gentle doctors cause smelly wounds.
Dutch Proverb
Give an ass oats and he runs after thistles.
Dutch Proverb
Give him your finger and he will seize your hand.
Dutch Proverb
Going around with the hat.
Dutch Proverb
Good company makes short miles.
Dutch Proverb
Good drink drives out bad thoughts.
Dutch Proverb
Good hunters track narrowly.
Dutch Proverb