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Dutch Proverbs - page 18
Beware of an oak, it draws the stroke; avoid an ash, it counts the flash; creep under the thorn, it can save you from harm.
Dutch Proverb
It needs a cunning hand to shave a fool's head.
Dutch Proverb
He waits long that waits for another main's death.
Dutch Proverb
He has a ton of knowledge, but the bottom is out.
Dutch Proverb
An old fox doesn't go twice into the trap.
Dutch Proverb
After ebb comes flood, and friends with good.
Dutch Proverb
A guest, like a fish, stinks the third day.
Dutch Proverb
It sticks to his fingers, like the charity-money to the matron.
Dutch Proverb
Fortune lost, nothing lost; courage lost, much lost; honour lost, more lost; soul lost, all lost.
Dutch Proverb
The best pilots are ashore.
Dutch Proverb
He that abideth low cannot fall hard.
Dutch Proverb
The better lawyer, the worse Christian.
Dutch Proverb
Beware of the man of two faces.
Dutch Proverb
Full cup, steady hand.
Dutch Proverb
In small boxes the best spice.
Dutch Proverb
Love makes the world go round.
Dutch Proverb
Old birds are not caught with cats.
Dutch Proverb
Precious things are mostly in small compass.
Dutch Proverb
A good horse is worth his fodder.
Dutch Proverb
A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Dutch Proverb
Give and take is fair play.
Dutch Proverb
Great boast. little roast.
Dutch Proverb