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Dutch Proverbs - page 17
Time past never returns.
Dutch Proverb
Every day a thread makes a skein in the year.
Dutch Proverb
Even hares pull a lion by the beard when he is dead.
Dutch Proverb
Better on the heath with an old cart that at sea in a new ship.
Dutch Proverb
As you began the dance you may pay the piper.
Dutch Proverb
Men can bear all things except good days.
Dutch Proverb
It is easier to prevent ill habits than to break them.
Dutch Proverb
He would rather have a bumper in hand than a Bible.
Dutch Proverb
Escaping from the smoke he falls into the fire.
Dutch Proverb
A single day grants what a whole hear denies.
Dutch Proverb
It's no crime to steal from a thief.
Dutch Proverb
It is ill sitting at Rome and striving with the Pope.
Dutch Proverb
Tastes differ.
Dutch Proverb
The eyes are bigger than the belly.
Dutch Proverb
He that has the luck leads the bride to church.
Dutch Proverb
He has the Bible on his lips, but not in his heart.
Dutch Proverb
From little things men go on to great.
Dutch Proverb
Never was hood so holy but the devil could get his head into it.
Dutch Proverb
It flows like a fountain from a broomstick.
Dutch Proverb
He wants for ever, who would more acquire.
Dutch Proverb
He that has the devil on his neck must find him work.
Dutch Proverb
God gives birds their food, but they must fly for it.
Dutch Proverb