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Dutch Proverbs
Speaking is silver, being silent is gold.
Dutch Proverb
Don't throw away your old shoes until you have got new ones.
Dutch Proverb
Better to lose the anchor than the whole ship.
Dutch Proverb
Better a good neighbour than a distant friend.
Dutch Proverb
Barking dogs don't bite.
Dutch Proverb
The fruit falls not far from the stem.
Dutch Proverb
Better late than never.
Dutch Proverb
Many hands make light work.
Dutch Proverb
Think before acting and whilst acting still think.
Dutch Proverb
Every little pot has a fitting lid.
Dutch Proverb
As you brew, so you shall bake.
Dutch Proverb
A liar should have a good memory.
Dutch Proverb
Like will to like, be they poor or rich.
Dutch Proverb
Better one bird in the hand than ten in the sky.
Dutch Proverb
As long as there's life, there is hope.
Dutch Proverb
Know what you say, but don't say all that you know.
Dutch Proverb
Comparing apples with pears.
Dutch Proverb
Storm in a glass of water.
Dutch Proverb
Like a snail on a barrel of tar.
Dutch Proverb
'tis altogether vain to learn wisdom, and yet live foolishly.
Dutch Proverb
A wolf hankers after sheep even at his last gasp.
Dutch Proverb
An old wolf is used to be shouted at.
Dutch Proverb