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Danish Proverbs
One hand full of money is stronger than two hands full of truth.
Danish Proverb
Happiness and glass break easily.
Danish Proverb
He that drinks beer, thinks beer.
Danish Proverb
To a friend's house the road is never long.
Danish Proverb
The teeth of the puppy are growing, while the old dog is gnawing bones.
Danish Proverb
You must walk a long while behind a wild goose before you find an ostrich feather.
Danish Proverb
He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning.
Danish Proverb
Praise borrowed from ancestors is but very sorry praise.
Danish Proverb
A child's sorrow is short-lived.
Danish Proverb
Where there is action, there is waste.
Danish Proverb
When fools go to market the huckster gets money.
Danish Proverb
When friends ask, there is no tomorrow.
Danish Proverb
When lazy horses begin to start, old women to dance, and white clouds to rain, there is no stopping them.
Danish Proverb
When mistrust enters, love departs.
Danish Proverb
When neighbours quarrel, lookers-on are more apt to add fuel than water.
Danish Proverb
When the beer goes in the wits go out.
Danish Proverb
What is play to the strong is death to the weak.
Danish Proverb
What is sweet in the mouth is not always good in the stomach.
Danish Proverb
What youth learns, age does not forget.
Danish Proverb
When anger blinds the eyes, truth disappears.
Danish Proverb
When dirt comes to honour it know not what to be.
Danish Proverb
A young foal and an old horse draw not well together.
Danish Proverb