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Croatian Proverbs
Man plans, but God decides.
Croatian Proverb
Don't measure a wolf's tail until he is dead.
Croatian Proverb
No solutions without discussions.
Croatian Proverb
The more eggs, the thicker the soup.
Croatian Proverb
It is better to be a bull for a year than a cow for a hundred years.
Croatian Proverb
It is easy for someone to talk about fasting when he has a full belly.
Croatian Proverb
Polite words open iron gates.
Croatian Proverb
Save three pieces of gold and the fourth one will fall into your lap.
Croatian Proverb
The drunkard thinks of only one thing and the barman of something else.
Croatian Proverb
The udder of a neighbor's cow is always bigger.
Croatian Proverb
To follow everyone is wrong, to follow no one is worse.
Croatian Proverb
Truth's violinist is always beaten with his own bow.
Croatian Proverb
Where right has no power - there power likes to be.
Croatian Proverb
Where the army goes there is no grass.
Croatian Proverb
With a full belly it is easy to talk about fasting.
Croatian Proverb
Woe to him who sits upon a branch.
Croatian Proverb
A guest will not know what fasting means.
Croatian Proverb
An empty barrel sings in the wind.
Croatian Proverb
Even a dog will not eat a leg without flesh.
Croatian Proverb
God does not love those who have not suffered.
Croatian Proverb
His whole life he carried his wife on his back.
Croatian Proverb
If sorrow would not talk it would die.
Croatian Proverb