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Bulgarian Proverbs - page 5
Three hundred ravens are scattered by one stone.
Bulgarian Proverb
Too many barbers would be ready to shave the beard of a beardless man.
Bulgarian Proverb
Wait horse for green grass.
Bulgarian Proverb
When the sea turned into honey, the beggar lost his spoon.
Bulgarian Proverb
He that has a hawk has three hundred partridges.
Bulgarian Proverb
He that sleeps with a dog, should bear its fleas.
Bulgarian Proverb
The nice apples are always eaten by nasty pigs.
Bulgarian Proverb
The Sparrows quarrel over somebody else's millet.
Bulgarian Proverb
If God should listen to rooks, he should send a plague to horses.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you can kiss the mistress, never kiss the maid.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you can't beat em, join em.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you light one candle for God, then you must light two for the devil.
Bulgarian Proverb
The Bad tax-collector will sell one of your oxen, the good one - both.
Bulgarian Proverb
The Drum is large but empty.
Bulgarian Proverb
The fox falls into the trap only once.
Bulgarian Proverb
The horse went into the river.
Bulgarian Proverb
One learns as long as one lives and still dies a fool.
Bulgarian Proverb
You monk, do you want us to give you in marriage?
Bulgarian Proverb
A Single hand cannot wash itself even in the Danube river.
Bulgarian Proverb
Every frog must know its sole-leather.
Bulgarian Proverb
He that wills not to feed a cat feeds the mice.
Bulgarian Proverb
Watch your step when you walk: you may find nothing but you will not stumble.
Bulgarian Proverb