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Bulgarian Proverbs - page 3
Every tree has its worm to eat it.
Bulgarian Proverb
Seize the opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.
Bulgarian Proverb
A word about to be spoken is like a stone that is ready to be thrown.
Bulgarian Proverb
Take a big bite, don't say a big word.
Bulgarian Proverb
One swallow doesn't make a spring.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you are going to drown, do not try it in shallow water.
Bulgarian Proverb
The pear does not fall far from the tree.
Bulgarian Proverb
Hungry bear doesn't dance.
Bulgarian Proverb
Wriggling hands like young bride's legs.
Bulgarian Proverb
Give me, mother, luck at my birth, then throw me if you will on the rubbish heap.
Bulgarian Proverb
When the Turk becomes richer he takes another wife.
Bulgarian Proverb
Whip the saddle and give the mule something to think about it.
Bulgarian Proverb
He who believes in dreams feeds on wind.
Bulgarian Proverb
The wolf changes only his coat -- not his character.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you call one wolf, you invite the pack.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you go to sleep with the blind, you'll wake up squinting.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you let everyone walk over you, then you become a carpet.
Bulgarian Proverb
If you want apples, you have to shake the trees.
Bulgarian Proverb
The droplet is always at its largest just before it drops.
Bulgarian Proverb
The earth is man's only friend.
Bulgarian Proverb
One does not get crucified, one crucifies oneself.
Bulgarian Proverb
Ravens do not peck each other's eyes out.
Bulgarian Proverb