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Armenian Proverbs - page 4
Even if the nightingale is in a gold cage, she still dreams of returning to the forest.
Armenian Proverb
A drowning man will clutch at straws.
Armenian Proverb
The woman who loves her husband corrects his faults; the man that loves his wife exaggerates them.
Armenian Proverb
The wolf is upset about what he left behind, and the shepherd is upset about what he took away.
Armenian Proverb
There is no reason for war that reasonable men can't settle.
Armenian Proverb
They asked a bullfrog, "Why do you croak all the time?” He replied, "I'm enchanted with my voice.”.
Armenian Proverb
When asked, "What news from the sea?” The fish replied "I have a lot to say, but my mouth is full of water.”.
Armenian Proverb
When someone's wealth improves, all of a sudden their house's columns appear to be crooked.
Armenian Proverb
The sun won't stay behind the cloud.
Armenian Proverb
Spring will not come with one flower.
Armenian Proverb
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Armenian Proverb
Let it be late, let it be good.
Armenian Proverb
Armenian Proverbs and Sayings, Translated into English by R. Gevorg Bayyan, Academy of St. Lazarus, Venice, 1889.
Armenian Proverb
Armenian Proverbs and the Biblical Scripture, Gayané V. Hagopian, California State University, Northridge.
Armenian Proverb
They asked a bullfrog, They asked a bullfrog, "Why do you croak all the time?" He replied, "I'm enchanted with my voice."
Armenian Proverb
A mother-in-law should be blind in one eye and deaf in one ear.
Armenian Proverb
A small cloud can hide the sun and the moon.
Armenian Proverb
Clouds and thunder don't always result in rain.
Armenian Proverb
If you chase two rabbits [at the same time], you won't catch either of them.
Armenian Proverb
Land of Armenians, land of sorrow.
Armenian Proverb
The water goes, the sand remains; The person dies, the memory remains.
Armenian Proverb
The world agrees in one word, time is golden.
Armenian Proverb