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Armenian Proverbs - page 2
Priest on the outside, Satan on the inside.
Armenian Proverb
The hungry dream of bread, the thirsty of water.
Armenian Proverb
Give a horse to the one who likes the truth so that on it he can escape.
Armenian Proverb
Whoever drinks on credit gets drunk more quickly.
Armenian Proverb
If you speak too much, you will learn too little.
Armenian Proverb
He that asks knows one shame; he that doesn't knows two.
Armenian Proverb
A pain in the foot is soon forgotten -- a pain in the head is not.
Armenian Proverb
Clouds that thunder do not always rain.
Armenian Proverb
The camel is also large, but it is also brought to its knees and loaded.
Armenian Proverb
The son of a good man will not become a slacker.
Armenian Proverb
A mule laden with gold is welcome at every castle.
Armenian Proverb
As mills require two stones, so friendship requires two heads.
Armenian Proverb
Choose a friend with the eyes of an old man, and a horse with the eyes of a young one.
Armenian Proverb
When your fortune improves, the columns of your house appear to be crooked.
Armenian Proverb
A girl with a golden cradle doesn't remain long in her father's house.
Armenian Proverb
While the smart man plans to get married, the foolish one ends up with a family.
Armenian Proverb
Tears have meaning but only he who sheds them understands.
Armenian Proverb
The stones of my native country are warmer than the ovens of Babylon.
Armenian Proverb
Before the fat one slims, the slim one will die.
Armenian Proverb
He who has crossed the sea will not drown in a river.
Armenian Proverb
When the thief has stolen from a thief, God laughs in heaven.
Armenian Proverb
The dowry that a woman brings is like a bell; every time she passes by she hits you with the clapper.
Armenian Proverb