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Arabic Proverbs - page 8
Trust allah, but tie up your camel.
Arabic Proverb
Greed lessens what is gathered.
Arabic Proverb
Don't pour away your water due to a mirage.
Arabic Proverb
How tight can life be without the space of hope.
Arabic Proverb
All strangers are relations to each other.
Arabic Proverb
There are no fans in hell.
Arabic Proverb
Who works achieves and who sows reaps.
Arabic Proverb
If I were to trade in winding sheets, no one would die.
Arabic Proverb
Patience is the key of joy; but haste is the key to sorrow.
Arabic Proverb
A thousand curses never tore a shirt.
Arabic Proverb
If you speak the word it shall own you, and if you don't you shall own it.
Arabic Proverb
the cure for fate is patience.
Arabic Proverb
Wiser than Loqman.
Arabic Proverb
That is the lion's tail, do not play with it.
Arabic Proverb
No one says, ‘my yogurt is sour.'
Arabic Proverb
never let your tongue hit your neck.
Arabic Proverb
Literal meaning: The sultan's sword is long.
Arabic Proverb
Literal meaning: The gauge has overflown.
Arabic Proverb
the destiny of a coward comes from over him.
Arabic Proverb
If you're beautiful, whatever you do is fine.
Arabic Proverb
Do good and throw it in the tigris and god will repay you in the desert.
Arabic Proverb
He makes a dome out of a grain.
Arabic Proverb