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Arabic Proverbs - page 32
A bite from a lion is better the look of envy.
Arabic Proverb
A debacle demolishes the will.
Arabic Proverb
An excuse is sometime more ugly than a guilt.
Arabic Proverb
Better safe than sorry.
Arabic Proverb
Burial is the way to honor the dead.
Arabic Proverb
Watching what you say is your best friend.
Arabic Proverb
Cheaper than dates in Basra.
Arabic Proverb
Tomorrow is close if you wait it.
Arabic Proverb
Eat less food to find more sleep.
Arabic Proverb
Think of the going out before you enter.
Arabic Proverb
Though pepper is a tiny thing, its taste is mighty powerful.
Arabic Proverb
Faster than the wind.
Arabic Proverb
From you the money, from me the dance.
Arabic Proverb
Had the monkey seen its ass, it wouldn't have danced.
Arabic Proverb
He beat me and cried, and went before me to complain.
Arabic Proverb
The end of life is death.
Arabic Proverb
He whose ace gets cut on, gets his underpants off. When you cut, cut high. The Third Hand is the highest hand.
Arabic Proverb
Smart people are blessed.
Arabic Proverb
If a poor man ate it, they would say it was because of his stupidity.
Arabic Proverb
Seek to get.
Arabic Proverb
Shall the gosling teach the goose to swim?
Arabic Proverb
If there's no choice but advice, ask for the decisiveness of an advisor or the advice of a decisive person.
Arabic Proverb