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Arabic Proverbs - page 3
Afar, it enraptures the heart, when near, it rends the gallbladder.
Arabic Proverb
Your relations are more deserving of your generosity.
Arabic Proverb
Ask for a science that would be useful to you, would keep you from harm and shame, then elevate you.
Arabic Proverb
Who does not understand a look, cannot understand long explanations.
Arabic Proverb
Beating the dead is a sin.
Arabic Proverb
Closer than the closeness of the teeth to the tongue.
Arabic Proverb
Consult the wise and do not disobey him.
Arabic Proverb
Content is an everlasting treasure.
Arabic Proverb
To sit by the ring and tell the man inside, 'knock him down.'
Arabic Proverb
Uglier than magic.
Arabic Proverb
Do not stand in a place of danger trusting in miracles.
Arabic Proverb
The wound that bleedeth inwardly is the most dangerous.
Arabic Proverb
Three things to fear: a crumbling wall, an angry dog, and a shrew.
Arabic Proverb
Examine what is said, not him who speaks.
Arabic Proverb
The secret to success is to walk forward.
Arabic Proverb
The sky does not rain gold or silver.
Arabic Proverb
The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say.
Arabic Proverb
The son of a duck is a floater.
Arabic Proverb
The ideal phrase is that which is short and to the point.
Arabic Proverb
He makes a hundred knives, none of which has a handle.
Arabic Proverb
The day of happiness is short.
Arabic Proverb
The deserter is the brother of the murderer.
Arabic Proverb