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Arabic Proverbs - page 29
Silence is the interpreter of happiness.
Arabic Proverb
Silence is a cure for grief.
Arabic Proverb
Life, like a fire, begins in smoke and ends in ashes.
Arabic Proverb
It is better to cut off the head that has no pride.
Arabic Proverb
It is better to die in revenge than to live on in shame.
Arabic Proverb
It is easier not to commit a sin than to repent it.
Arabic Proverb
It is not the bullet that kills you, it is fate.
Arabic Proverb
One is not born a warrior, you become one.
Arabic Proverb
The fire is winter's fruit.
Arabic Proverb
Only a mother can understand the suffering of a son.
Arabic Proverb
Only he who understands is really sad.
Arabic Proverb
Visit infrequently, and you will get closer.
Arabic Proverb
Walls are the notebooks of fools.
Arabic Proverb
What the wolf mourns is food for the fox.
Arabic Proverb
Reproaches are the soap of the heart.
Arabic Proverb
Men laugh with their heart, women only with their mouth.
Arabic Proverb
The strength of the heart comes from the soundness of the faith.
Arabic Proverb
The tree of silence bears the fruit of peace.
Arabic Proverb
The best act of generosity is that which is quickly done.
Arabic Proverb
Obedience to a woman leads to hell.
Arabic Proverb
The best part of repentance is a little sinning.
Arabic Proverb
Throw him into the river and he will come up with a fish in his mouth.
Arabic Proverb