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Arabic Proverbs - page 28
Literal meaning: Cooking fat on honey.
Arabic Proverb
Literal meaning: He left the party without having Hommos.
Arabic Proverb
Literal meaning: Give the dough to baker even if he eats half of it.
Arabic Proverb
The mule was asked: "who is your father?” it responded with: "the horse is my uncle.”.
Arabic Proverb
Death is a camel which sleeps in everyone's house.
Arabic Proverb
Beware of he whose goodness you can't ask for for and whose evil you can't be protected from.
Arabic Proverb
Paradise without people is not worth living in..
Arabic Proverb
branches straighten.
Arabic Proverb
Where there is a will there is a way. Where there is no will there is an excuse.
Arabic Proverb
Show no fear to the man who picks up a big stone.
Arabic Proverb
There are some words that look like salted jam.
Arabic Proverb
Unfortunate is the man who has no fingernails to scratch his head with.
Arabic Proverb
The soul will only be at rest when it stops hoping.
Arabic Proverb
The soul of an idiot is always dancing on the end of his tongue.
Arabic Proverb
The liar's mother is a virgin.
Arabic Proverb
The knife of the family does not cut.
Arabic Proverb
The corn will bend but it still ends up in the mill.
Arabic Proverb
Older than you by a day, wiser than you by a year.
Arabic Proverb
You can always find good elements in the misfortune that strikes you.
Arabic Proverb
Let the sword decide only after the plan has failed.
Arabic Proverb
You cannot carry two watermelons in one hand.
Arabic Proverb
Sunshine without rain makes a desert.
Arabic Proverb