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Arabic Proverbs - page 25
Your brother is who gives you a honest advice.
Arabic Proverb
Our parents planted so we ate, and we plant for our children to eat.
Arabic Proverb
O! my sister that depend on men; you are believing in water in a sieve.
Arabic Proverb
More hideous than a pig.
Arabic Proverb
Ink on paper.
Arabic Proverb
If you reach for the highest of ideals, you shouldn't settle for less than the stars.
Arabic Proverb
your brother is that who consoles you.
Arabic Proverb
Wealth comes like a turtle and goes away like a gazelle.
Arabic Proverb
The words of the elderly are as sweet as honey, but if you do not listen they become as sour as bile.
Arabic Proverb
Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.
Arabic Proverb
People don't thank someone who doesn't thank God.
Arabic Proverb
One is better off seated than standing.
Arabic Proverb
more flirty than oumrou'o al kayss.
Arabic Proverb
This dead person is not worth all of this grief.
Arabic Proverb
Lying is the disease and truth is the cure.
Arabic Proverb
If you had an opinion you better be determined.
Arabic Proverb
This cub is from that lion.
Arabic Proverb
The best friend is the one who does not joke around.
Arabic Proverb
Seek education even if it takes you to China.
Arabic Proverb
Dust does not burden him.
Arabic Proverb
Grapes and grapes.
Arabic Proverb
Forget brotherhood, each goat will cost your seven dinars.
Arabic Proverb