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Arabic Proverbs - page 24
Don't ask the singer to sing until he wishes to sing by himself.
Arabic Proverb
A horse which is tamed at forty is only good for resurrection day.
Arabic Proverb
He who is free to do what he wants will use his hand as a balance.
Arabic Proverb
He fishes in unclear water.
Arabic Proverb
God creates 40 people with the same looks.
Arabic Proverb
A horse can trip.
Arabic Proverb
Go softly, come softly, so that the cat does not gore you.
Arabic Proverb
Fire is more bearable than disgrace.
Arabic Proverb
Every disease has a medicine except for death.
Arabic Proverb
He fasts and fasts, then he breaks his fast with an onion.
Arabic Proverb
Gnats, in great number, can beat an elephant.
Arabic Proverb
Fire could leave ashes behind.
Arabic Proverb
Every delay has its blessings.
Arabic Proverb
Give your friend your blood and money.
Arabic Proverb
What starts with a condition ends with out any oppression.
Arabic Proverb
Slower than a turtle.
Arabic Proverb
Outer beauty is no good, give me inner beauty.
Arabic Proverb
O! You sitting, may God protect you from the evils of the comers.
Arabic Proverb
It is good to know the truth and to speak the truth.
Arabic Proverb
More careful than an ant.
Arabic Proverb
Literal meaning: The friend in tight times.
Arabic Proverb
Inscribe science in writing.
Arabic Proverb