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Arabic Proverbs - page 23
More awake than a wolf.
Arabic Proverb
More cautious than a crow.
Arabic Proverb
More famous than a fire on a flag.
Arabic Proverb
Luck in the sky and brains in the ground.
Arabic Proverb
The best of the things you own, is what is useful to you.
Arabic Proverb
So many in the jail while innocent.
Arabic Proverb
More fake than a mirage.
Arabic Proverb
Loving your country is pious.
Arabic Proverb
With carefulness you realize your opportunity.
Arabic Proverb
The end of the HONK is BEEP.
Arabic Proverb
So long as I can keep a secret it is my prisoner.
Arabic Proverb
People are enemies of that which they don't know.
Arabic Proverb
more lost then the winter moon.
Arabic Proverb
More fair than scales.
Arabic Proverb
Like a fish in water.
Arabic Proverb
If you don't want to be disgraced, do as others do.
Arabic Proverb
Trust in Allah, but tie your camel first.
Arabic Proverb
My friends are like stars, pick one and it'll guide you.
Arabic Proverb
More enduring than a donkey.
Arabic Proverb
longer than a sepration day.
Arabic Proverb
They were two, but united; we were a hundred, but divided.
Arabic Proverb
He is the sunshine at the edge of the roof.
Arabic Proverb