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Arabic Proverbs - page 11
A horse of good breed is not dishonored by his saddle.
Arabic Proverb
A sponge to wipe away the past; a rose to sweeten the present; a kiss to greet the future.
Arabic Proverb
Act like you are an idiot and everyone will respect you.
Arabic Proverb
Advice given in the midst of a crowd is loathsome.
Arabic Proverb
All earthly goods we have only on loan.
Arabic Proverb
When the judge's mule dies, everyone goes to the funeral; when the judge himself dies, no one does.
Arabic Proverb
When you die, your sister's tears will dry as time goes on, your widow's tears will end in another's arms, but your mother will mourn you until the day she dies.
Arabic Proverb
When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey.
Arabic Proverb
When your enemies attack, bathe in their blood.
Arabic Proverb
Whoever knows how to use a pen never adds his own name to the "guiltyā€¯ list.
Arabic Proverb
Wit is folly unless a wise man hath the keeping of it.
Arabic Proverb
Without the companionship even paradise would be boring.
Arabic Proverb
Words from the heart reach the heart, words from the mouth reach the ear.
Arabic Proverb
Wrath begins in madness and ends in repentance.
Arabic Proverb
An unjust king is like a river without water.
Arabic Proverb
Another man's bread will not fill your belly.
Arabic Proverb
Any water in the desert will do.
Arabic Proverb
Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
Arabic Proverb
Ask for your wife's advice and then do the opposite.
Arabic Proverb
At the narrow passage there is no brother and no friend.
Arabic Proverb
Two weaklings conquered the fort.
Arabic Proverb
Unwrapping a gift wraps up enmity.
Arabic Proverb