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Albanian Proverbs - page 11
Don't make excuses, make good.
Albanian Proverb
Darkness is the owl's desire.
Albanian Proverb
Candour will lose you some friends, but not as many as deceit.
Albanian Proverb
Bad actions lead to worse reactions.
Albanian Proverb
Admitting error clears the score and proves you wiser than before.
Albanian Proverb
A great talker may be no fool, but he is one who relies on him.
Albanian Proverb
Man changes often but improves seldom.
Albanian Proverb
It requires more courage not to fight than to fight.
Albanian Proverb
If you dance, you must pay the piper.
Albanian Proverb
For every goose there is a gander.
Albanian Proverb
Honesty is praised and left to starve.
Albanian Proverb
Good care prevents accidents.
Albanian Proverb
Falsehood is the darkness of faith.
Albanian Proverb
Doubts --- helped a man to live, to grow, or to build.
Albanian Proverb
Demonstration is the best mode of instruction.
Albanian Proverb
Charity is not a bone you throw to your dog but a bone you share with your dog.
Albanian Proverb
Admiration is the daughter of ignorance.
Albanian Proverb
A great fortune is a great servitude.
Albanian Proverb