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Ethiopia Proverbs
Only the man who is not hungry says the coconut has a hard shell.
Ethiopian Proverb
He who knows much, does not speak much.
Ethiopian Proverb
The cow knows the cowherd but not the owner.
Ethiopian Proverb
No better witnesses than your own eyes.
Ethiopian Proverb
The slimming of an elephant and the losses of a rich man are not noticeable.
Ethiopian Proverb
Eat when the food is ready; speak when the time is right.
Ethiopian Proverb
The heart of a fool is in his mouth and the mouth of the wise man is in his heart.
Ethiopian Proverb
The fool speaks, the wise man listens.
Ethiopian Proverb
O, sheep if I do not eat you, you will eat me, said the hyena.
Ethiopian Proverb
You may well have two legs but you still can't climb two trees at the same time.
Ethiopian Proverb
Whether it rains or stops raining, the lentils have two eyes.
Ethiopian Proverb
A fool looks for dung where the cow never browsed.
Ethiopian Proverb
A bird hanging between two branches will get bitten on both wings.
Ethiopian Proverb
The coward sweats in water.
Ethiopian Proverb
The best of mankind is a farmer the best food is fruit.
Ethiopian Proverb
When a fool is cursed, he thinks he is being praised.
Ethiopian Proverb
If you are going to go where corn grows, take a cutting tool with you.
Ethiopian Proverb
Sitting is being crippled.
Ethiopian Proverb
Who cannot yet walk, cannot climb a ladder.
Ethiopian Proverb
Better an egg this year than a chicken next year.
Ethiopian Proverb
A hyena intrudes through a gap a dog opened.
Ethiopian Proverb
The nile has no resting place it wanderes around carrying a log.
Ethiopian Proverb