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Hindi Proverbs - page 8
No strength within, no respect without.
Hindi Proverb
Many families are built on laughter.
Hindi Proverb
Regularity is the best medicine.
Hindi Proverb
To long for everything: sorrow; to accept everything: joy.
Hindi Proverb
In a tree that you can't climb, there are always a thousand fruits.
Hindi Proverb
I have lanced many boils, but none pained like my own.
Hindi Proverb
If you call a lady a slave, she laughs, but if you call a slave a slave, he cries.
Hindi Proverb
If you live in the river you should make friends with the crocodile.
Hindi Proverb
A pearl is worthless as long as it is still in its shell.
Hindi Proverb
A book is like a garden in the pocket.
Hindi Proverb
A beautiful woman belongs to everyone; an ugly one is yours alone.
Hindi Proverb
Sit on the bank of a river and wait: Your enemy's corpse will soon float by.
Hindi Proverb
It is little use to dig a well after the house has caught fire.
Hindi Proverb
It is love that makes the impossible possible.
Hindi Proverb
The heart at rest sees a feast in everything.
Hindi Proverb
One person can burn water, while another can't even burn oil.
Hindi Proverb
Help thy brother's boat across, and lo! thine own has reached the shore.
Hindi Proverb
When anger comes, wisdom goes.
Hindi Proverb
A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber.
Hindi Proverb
Can your hands do what your tongue does?
Hindi Proverb
God gives food to every bird, but does not throw it into the nest.
Hindi Proverb
God takes care of a blind cow.
Hindi Proverb