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Hindi Proverbs - page 7
The answerer is inferior to the asker.
Hindi Proverb
The cock goes to town for only four days and returns home a peacock.
Hindi Proverb
The enemy's own punishment is his envy.
Hindi Proverb
Theologians, dogs, and singers always disagree.
Hindi Proverb
There are only two things from which to choose: profit or loss.
Hindi Proverb
Though the snake be small, it is still wise to hit it with a big stick.
Hindi Proverb
We are both queens, so who will hang out the laundry?
Hindi Proverb
When the sculptor is dead his statues ask him for a soul.
Hindi Proverb
Whose stick, his buffalo.
Hindi Proverb
Among the blind, the squint rules.
Hindi Proverb
Undeserved punishment is better than that which is deserved.
Hindi Proverb
You can only lean against that which resists.
Hindi Proverb
Worldly prosperity is like writing on water.
Hindi Proverb
Without men in the neighborhood all the women are chaste.
Hindi Proverb
You can often find in rivers what you cannot find in oceans.
Hindi Proverb
When you have an ass for a friend, expect nothing but kicks.
Hindi Proverb
You may look up for inspiration or look down in desperation but do not look sideways for information.
Hindi Proverb
You do not stumble over a mountain, but you do over a stone.
Hindi Proverb
Patience is the most beautiful prayer.
Hindi Proverb
Pull someone by the ears and his head will follow.
Hindi Proverb
There is a great uproar made about the debt of a poor man.
Hindi Proverb
There is no hand to catch time.
Hindi Proverb