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Hindi Proverbs - page 3
When you are in difficulty, go to the house of your friend -- not your sister's.
Hindi Proverb
Use medicine as well as prayers.
Hindi Proverb
Kill a cow to donate shoes.
Hindi Proverb
A foolish bride gets no presents.
Hindi Proverb
Money hides in the tiger's ear.
Hindi Proverb
The dog's tail stays crooked even if he is buried for twelve years.
Hindi Proverb
One man's house burns so that another may warm himself.
Hindi Proverb
The truth is half a quarrel.
Hindi Proverb
The world flatters the elephant and tramples on the ant.
Hindi Proverb
The crow was killed by the storm -- "He died by my curse," says the owl.
Hindi Proverb
The hot sun melts away the snow; when anger comes, does wisdom go.
Hindi Proverb
The worst kind of poverty is to have many debts.
Hindi Proverb
The devil eats the miser's money.
Hindi Proverb
Can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground.
Hindi Proverb
The first day a guest, the second day a guest, the third day a calamity.
Hindi Proverb
It is little use to dig a well after the house has caught fire.
Hindi Proverb
Can the monkey know the taste of ginger?
Hindi Proverb
A man laughs at others and weeps for himself.
Hindi Proverb
The grown-up pays attention to what you are doing; the child sees beyond that.
Hindi Proverb
It's better to pick a fight with your in-laws than with your neighbors.
Hindi Proverb
What good is giving sugar to the dead?
Hindi Proverb
The deceitful have no friends.
Hindi Proverb