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Hindi Proverbs - page 11
After eating nine hundred rats, the cat is now going on a pilgrimage.
Hindi Proverb
Be peaceful yet vigilant - a sheep will bite someone without a stick.
Hindi Proverb
He who allows his day to pass by without practicing generosity and enjoying life's pleasures is like a blacksmith's bellows: he breathes but does not live.
Hindi Proverb
Do what the mullah says, but don't do what he does.
Hindi Proverb
He who works as a slave, eats as a king.
Hindi Proverb
Who is blind? He who can see no other world. Who is dumb? He who can say nothing pleasant about his lot. Who is poor? He who is troubled with too many desires. Who is rich? He who is happy with his lot.
Hindi Proverb
He who loves drives a nail into his heart.
Hindi Proverb
For the first five years of your son's life treat him as a prince, for the next ten years as a slave, then as a friend for the rest of his life.
Hindi Proverb
He who will not climb will not fall.
Hindi Proverb
One who cannot dance blames the floor.
Hindi Proverb
What is play to one is death to another.
Hindi Proverb
A doctor is only a doctor when he has killed one or two patients.
Hindi Proverb
A fly, a harlot, a beggar, a rat, and gusty wind; the village-boss and the tax collector – these seven are always annoying to others.
Hindi Proverb
A rap on the ringed finger does not hurt.
Hindi Proverb
All the water in the sea doesn't even reach the knees of the man who fears not death.
Hindi Proverb
Always be well dressed, even when begging.
Hindi Proverb
Anger is as a stone cast into a wasp's nest.
Hindi Proverb
As day break, the glowworms say "We've lit up the world!”.
Hindi Proverb
Be like a camel - carrying sweets but dining on thorns.
Hindi Proverb
Better cross-eyed than blind.
Hindi Proverb
Blind men have no need to walk.
Hindi Proverb
Do not ask advice of the ignorant.
Hindi Proverb