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Hindi Proverbs - page 10
Every man is the guardian of his own honor.
Hindi Proverb
To loan is to buy troubles.
Hindi Proverb
To sing to the deaf, to talk with the dumb, and to dance for the blind are three foolish things.
Hindi Proverb
To the mediocre, mediocrity appears great.
Hindi Proverb
To the world wisdom is folly; to the wise the world is foolish.
Hindi Proverb
First God, then the white man.
Hindi Proverb
Happy is the woman whose husband does not speak to her.
Hindi Proverb
Have faith - God calls forth life even from eggs.
Hindi Proverb
There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
Hindi Proverb
He who wants fruit should not pick flowers.
Hindi Proverb
The dog's tail, even if buried for twelve years, will remain as crooked as ever.
Hindi Proverb
The sandal tree perfumes the axe that fells it.
Hindi Proverb
September blow soft till the fruit's in the loft.
Hindi Proverb
Life is not a continuum of pleasant choices, but of inevitable problems that call for strength, determination, and hard work.
Hindi Proverb
The money you dream about will not pay your bills.
Hindi Proverb
These can never be true friends: Hope, dice, a prostitute, a robber, a cheat, a goldsmith, a monkey, a doctor, a distiller.
Hindi Proverb
Better lie than gossip.
Hindi Proverb
The soldier's wife is always a widow.
Hindi Proverb
You may never die before death arrives.
Hindi Proverb
Eat fire and your mouth burn; live on credit and your pride will burn.
Hindi Proverb
Even a cat is a lion in her own lair.
Hindi Proverb
An old patient is better than a new doctor.
Hindi Proverb