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Hindi Proverbs
The voice of the poor has no echo.
Hindi Proverb
The cobra will bite you whether you call it cobra or Mr. Cobra.
Hindi Proverb
Poverty makes thieves, like love makes poets.
Hindi Proverb
The thief that is not caught is a king.
Hindi Proverb
When an elephant is in trouble even a frog will kick him.
Hindi Proverb
Never strike your wife, not even with a flower.
Hindi Proverb
If you live on the river, befriend the crocodile.
Hindi Proverb
In love beggar and king are equal.
Hindi Proverb
Saints fly only in the eyes of their disciples.
Hindi Proverb
Life is a bridge. Cross over it, but build no house on it.
Hindi Proverb
It is only in your coffin that you sleep really well.
Hindi Proverb
Never use a dwarf to measure the depth of the water.
Hindi Proverb
Truth has no branches.
Hindi Proverb
A buffalo does not feel the weight of his own horns.
Hindi Proverb
A lawyer's fee and a harlot's wages are paid in advance.
Hindi Proverb
The eyes do not see what the mind does not want.
Hindi Proverb
If a man from humble beginnings gets rich, he will carry his umbrella at midnight.
Hindi Proverb
Never stand in front of a judge or behind a donkey.
Hindi Proverb
The spouse of a woman is a man, the spouse of a man is his livelihood.
Hindi Proverb
If you can't give any sugar then speak sweetly.
Hindi Proverb
When you drink milk under the palm tree, people will say that it is palm wine.
Hindi Proverb
The sieve says to the needle, "You have a hole in your tail."
Hindi Proverb