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African Proverbs - page 20
Two cats can never be equal; one will always be bigger than the other.
African Proverb
Two is good, one alone cannot wash his back.
African Proverb
Until lions have their own historians tales of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
African Proverb
Until the rotten tooth is pulled out cautiously, the mouth will not have rest.
African Proverb
Use people who have something to gain, not people with nothing to lose.
African Proverb
An endless war shames even a hero.
African Proverb
An insolent tongue is a bad weapon.
African Proverb
An only palm-fruit doesn't get lost in the fire.
African Proverb
An open mind only hurts those who fear their own mistakes.
African Proverb
Anyone who has sold an old lady, knows the price of an old man.
African Proverb
Anything with a beginning also has an end.
African Proverb
To love that one who never loves you is like rain falling in the forest.
African Proverb
To suffer doesn't mean to die.
African Proverb
To whom to much is given we require too much from him.
African Proverb
Too many cooks, cooking at the same time makes the day take long to break.
African Proverb
Tortoises only make progress when they stick there necks out.
African Proverb
Tough times don't last, tough people do.
African Proverb
As soon as you question someone's integrity, it is a reflection of your own.
African Proverb
Authority is in generosity.
African Proverb
Bad friends will prevent you from having good friends.
African Proverb
Be aware of a man with a sweet tongue he can lead you to buying bad meat.
African Proverb
Though the sky belongs to the bird it can't fly when it's raining.
African Proverb